Why Choose WorkLife Central?

Low cost and high value, our online, global programme provides instant positive and practical support to employees, transforming your organisation's DE&I approach. Our clients are some of the biggest companies in the UK across financial services, media, real estate, professional services, insurance and banking & finance.


Instant access ‘turnkey’ benefit that is cost effective and low maintenance


Compliments and enhances your existing employee benefits and DE&I agenda


Supports L&D, career progress, professional development and work-life integration


High quality tailored content delivered by hand-picked experts



Essential resources to assist employees with home and work life challenges



Helps staff feel connected and supported both in and outside of work


“WorkLife Central is a truly inclusive community so anyone can join and access its expert content and resources, and its content dovetails neatly into our own Diversity and Inclusion and Wellbeing initiatives and campaigns." Executive Director, Howard Kennedy LLP

WorkLife Central +

Through our WLC+ service we are able to go above and beyond standard corporate membership, including planning and delivering events/content tailored directly to your organisation's needs.

WLC+ bespoke events are organised by our experienced team and include a variety of formats including talks, interviews and workshops. All content is just for your employees, delivered at a date and time that is convenient for you and can take place either on-line or in your offices. 


Our Families Network Community

Our Families Network Community is a free resource for WorkLife Central corporate member firms, offering essential support to those employees who are responsible for running internal Families/Parents & Carers Networks.

Our regular FNC Roundtable discussion group brings together Network Chairs & Committee members from across our community. It provides a forum for sharing ideas and knowledge, and supports the process of running an internal network alongside a 'day job'.


A selection of the companies we work with:


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WorkLife Central’s articles and resources are excellent - their live and on-demand sessions cover a wide range of topics. The combination of different resources make WorkLife Central hugely valuable in navigating the highs and lows of being a working parent. They have some great experts that provide lots of value, and really enable parents to operate more than just instinctively. A great investment by the firm.

Employee, Linklaters

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WorkLife Central has an extensive choice of topics with something to suit everyone in the business. Many of us are short on time and the ‘Shorts’ and Blogs are particularly great for those wanting to dip in and out of the programme. Sign up is easy with minimal steps and it is an easy to use platform with clear division of content. Communication from an HR perspective is positive; the WorkLife Central team always does their best to accommodate our requests.

HR Advisor, Rothesay

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WorkLife Central provides a great balance of topics to support our colleagues with their professional and personal development. The variety of resources, from webinars and on demand videos to peer support groups, gives real flexibility to meet the needs of a diverse employee base and allow colleagues to access as much or as little content, whenever they want”

Eleanor Saunders-Brant, Fisher German

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WorkLife Central’s resources are really valued by our firm-members, and we receive great feedback on the variety resources available. Working parents and those taking parental leave for the first time find WorkLife Central’s family related support particularly useful, including their ‘ask the expert’ sessions, support groups and informative articles and blogs. We appreciate the fact they provide up to date engagement tips to assist us with the promotion of their offering internally.

HR Officer, Kingsley Napley